Code Title: Exact Reliability Block Diagramming Calculation. Ref. Book Chapter: Chap. 5 (Availability Modeling using the Sahinoglu Libby Probability Distribution; Chap.6 (Reliability Block Diagramming in Simple and Complex Embedded Systems. Brief Definition: The objective is to generate RBDs to calculate ingress-egress, or s-t (source-target) reliability for simple and complex systems under directly coded and/or statistical failure-repair data using SL probability model in Chap. 5. It also performs a complete performance availability analysis on a single node as explained in Section 5.6. For Input and Output data, see Readme File."Click here" to view the paper published using ERBDC to generate system reliabilities. You may change any of the values while running the software. If you have any questions please email M. Sahinoglu or M. Sahinoglu at Auburn University.

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